Sensual Wisdom vs. Reality

“Our generation is overwhelmingly naturalistic.  There is an almost complete commitment to the concept of the uniformity of natural causes in a closed system. Surely this is one of the greatest, and perhaps the greatest reason for a loss of reality: that while we say we believe one thing, we allow the spirit of the naturalism of the age to creep into our thinking, unrecognized.” – Francis A. Schaefer 

          In various letters Paul the Apostle speaks of two opposing wisdoms in existence. That is, two systems of values and perspectives that conflict with one another. Two ways of thinking that are in complete contradiction to each other and are impossible to reconcile. These wisdoms rule in the minds of humans. Every person subscribes to one or the other. One wisdom, Paul informs us, is sensual. It appeases the appetites and passions of our lusts. It esteems self gratification, appealing to our self interest as top priority.

          This wisdom, Paul states, is carnal. It is earthly. It is in conflict with its opposing wisdom, the wisdom of God. Our entire generation has subscribed to this way of thinking that appears to be wise. Its based on man’s logic and reasoning and gives no thought to the things of God. But in the light of the intuitive revelation of Jesus Christ we see how utterly ridiculous it is. It is a system of logic and deduction that is formed in the heart of man through suppression (Romans 1). Man makes the blatant decision to suppress God’s revealed truth, and God then allows arrogant man to convince himself in his own deception that he is wise.

          What may be known about God is evident among all men. God Himself has done this. He has allowed men to 1) comprehend His existence and 2) comprehend His benevolent nature. As men make the deliberate and conscious decision to reject this intuitive knowledge that He reveals, they subject themselves to the foolishness that this world esteems as wisdom. Natural man applies his volition in opposition to God’s revealing of Himself. God makes the knowledge of Himself able to be plainly understood by all creation, but sinful man makes the conscious decision to reject the knowledge. This is recorded in the Epistle to the Roman Church in Chapter 1 verse 21.

          The Word of God simply states that their (men who are not justified before God) foolish hearts became darkened. What is the foolishness that Paul speaks of here? He is referring to the intellectual naturalism that this world esteems as wise. The ways of thinking that undermined the authority, supremacy and sovereignty of God in our lives.

          And this simple phrase “their hearts became darkened,” what does that mean? That through the rejecting of God in man’s will, his mind, emotions, and volition are now incapable of receiving the revelation of God. This man’s spirit is dead to the life of God. His spirit is completely incapable of receiving the knowledge of God according to the wisdom and revelation by which God operates and communicates. This man’s spirit is out of union with God due to transgression and iniquity, and is totally incapable of receiving any revelation which would enlighten his comprehension of reality. Those in this condition will continue professing to be wise, and indeed prove to themselves over and over, according to their own debased perceptions of reality, that they are. Their sensual wisdom appeals to many who will then encourage them and reinforce their convictions. They will continue on like this the rest of their natural lives unless God intervenes.

          It is through man’s initial decision to reject the intuitive revelation of God (what he knows to be true about God in his conscience) that he exchanges the truth for a lie. God then allows that man’s mind to descend into a debased state. His mind becomes mixed with camouflaged impurities that will continuously distort his perception of truth. Those in this state are doomed to a continuous, descending depravity if they cannot break free of this condition through repentance.

          How can a man guilty of transgression ever be reconciled to God if that man’s mind and volition are continuously at enmity and hostility towards God? The only answer is humiliation. That man must be humbled before God, acknowledging his iniquity and rebellion and in order that he might ask to receive forgiveness before he receives the ultimate penalty for his lawlessness.

          The Hebrew Scriptures and well as the New Covenant are written according to this heavenly wisdom. Those who suppress the truth will never understand the text found in the Bible. They can’t. Their state is carnal. Their mind is debased. Their spirit operates independent of the life of God. How could someone in this condition ever enter into the communion with God necessary to necessary to discern what is being communicated? If God does not reveal truth to us then our reality is nothing more than deception.

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